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Ross Nichols is the leader of the “southern” chapter of the United Israel World Union.  One of his ongoing projects has been the Moses Scroll — the Deuteronomy Scroll that was promoted by Moses Shapira in the late 1800s.  Out of that research has grown a book, entitled The Moses Scroll: Reopening the Most Controversial Case in the History of Biblical Scholarship.  In this interview, Ross discusses the things that he discovered in the course of intensively investigating the whole saga of the scroll.
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Misao Hejang is one of the leaders of the Kuki people — a nationality that sees itself as descended from the Israelite tribe of Manashe but has been living in the northeast corner of India for centuries.  The Kuki have been under attack by the Meitei people of northeast India for a matter of years now, and the central Indian government has been ignoring the conflict.  This has led to a situation in which the undermanned Kuki have been subjected to rape, murder, and abuse for years.  Listen to what Misao has to say…
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This interview features Howard Chung, a very successful businessman AND two-house historian, telling Gene about how he came to the understanding of Israel’s true role in the world and how that affected him — and how it SHOULD affect us.  This is one of the more incredible stories of how one of our interviewees encountered the truth — and how he responded to this revelation.
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In this interview, Gene draws out The understanding and wisdom of Vincent Wienand.  Once again, those who have listened to prior interviews in “2,730 Years…and Counting!” will identify many points of similarity with the interviews of other Ephraimites who have also walked this path and reached many of the same conclusions.
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The “Jew room” attitude that existed in
American intelligence in the early 1970s is exposed, as well as its disastrous
results.  Bruce Brill discusses his book, Deceit of an Ally,
in which he describes the failure of American intelligence services to provide
essential information relating to the plans of multiple Arab countries to
attack Israel on Yom Kippur of 1973.

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In this continuation of his recent interview regarding the vision that George Washington experienced just prior to his victorious surprise attack on the Hessian mercenaries at Trenton, Stephen moves on to the second and third perils that the angel described in great detail to General Washington.  So far, every prophetic aspect has been fulfilled, and we must profoundly hope that the unbroken chain of fulfillments continues…
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Gene’s latest guest, Patrick Li, is an excellent example of what we all, as Hebrews entering into the time of Jacob’s trouble, need to be, in light of the intense persecution and deceitful stewardship of our politicians.  He is teaching Torah and Scripture under the noses of those who hatefully oppose YHWH and His commandments.
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